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Trademark Search

A Trademark search is the first step in the Trademark registration procedure. A search is to be conducted in order to determine the uniqueness of the mark, and its similarity to other, pre- existing marks. It is very much advisable to conduct a Trademark search before registering or using a Trademark. Without a search, there are chances for being sued for Trademark infringement, the rejection of the Trademark application, and a third-party challenging the Trademark application.

Before applying for a trade mark it's wise to conduct a detailed search to make sure there are no similar trade marks already pending or registered. It's a good idea to search as widely as possible. Searching is not as simple as it sounds. It requires skill and persistence as merely searching for an identical mark is not sufficient.

An IP professional may be able to provide you with further assistance and advice.

In case you wish to carry out your own search (identical as well as similarity), following are the recommended steps for the same:

At the first step, you may check your mark’s availability on a free government portal using the following steps:
a) Go to the government search
b) Select the relevant class of search from a list of 45 different business classes listed

Click here to Search Trademark

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Ip Juris Legem

Delhi NCR : Intellectual Property Law Firm
Sector 44, Noida -201301 (U.P)
Delhi NCR

Bangalore : No 35, Good Earth PalmGrove
Dodda aladamara Road
Gerupalya, Bangalore 560074

Chennai : 235, KH Road, Ayanavaram, Chennai

Call us : +91-8029620143, +91-9560067306, +91-9108840766
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